Small Garden Design

Simplicity is the key to getting the best designs small garden. Choose a flower in a color scheme to add effects. Repetition of some varieties of plants with one or two complementary colors allow you to create a luxury hotel, but clean. Although simplicity is the key, dare to be different in form, height and texture.

Many garden designs are limited to small straight lines: straight edges, curbs, sidewalks and rows of plants. Straight, clean lines work well if you use the space for entertaining gardens, designed with curved lines offer a more casual and add a sense of fluidity and movement graceful landscape. Small garden designs with diagonal elements give the illusion of a larger area that the eye moves from one corner to the. Here are some tips:

Enjoy your vertical space. On vertical surfaces such as walls and fences, try using climbing plants and ornaments that give dynamism and vertical interest. Fences and walls can also provide space for hanging plants. Vines on trellises and ornamental grasses can soften the borders while providing year-round appeal.

You can also create new heights with shrubs and trees taller characters. Add a focal point such as a wire or small aviary, fountain, basin, or hanging planter in a wrought iron stake.

Consider a design that has curved and / or diagonal elements. Again, the flow curves add, move, and often the illusion of more space.

Choose furniture to "breathe" and complete your garden and lifestyle.

Add lighting to highlight special areas promises an interesting evening, and promote safety.

Less is more: the ratio between the number of plants and colors to avoid a cluttered look. Too many different elements can be made gardens and small gardens in particular seem confused and just throw together.

Other advice? Dividing a small garden with an arbor, trellis, or a bank creates a focal point and makes your garden look more spacious at the same time. Use different elevations and plants to diversify a small area, which can be as simple as adding a loft bed. Articles with two functions are perfect for small gardens: a living room with staircase has an element of height and a stand of native plants.

If there is insufficient space for a large shrub or small tree, please: may offer beautiful focal points and are perfect for small shelters located plantings and ground cover. The most important factor in the design of small gardening? Use your imagination to create a beautiful, striking, natural space.

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