Garden Design For Small Spaces

Gardening is a rewarding hobby for many people, but not everyone has the luxury of a large parcel of land to devote to a large garden. On the other hand, sometimes all a person needs is a little room to use as an accent. Planning a small garden design is not difficult when you know the tricks.

Budget - For any size of garden is a good idea to start planning a budget. Think about how much money your plants will cost and how much land will never buy. If you fall in love with a plant that is expensive, consider buying one and future expansion.

Think of Threes - The rule of three is very true in gardening. In a small garden, choose three colors to use everywhere. It is also preferable to keep the types of plants to a minimum. For example, it might be good to select three different plants to show. If you receive each of three different colors, that is nine to start.

Form - A rectangular bed is classic, but adding curves to a garden that gives the movement. Curve is interesting to the eye and makes the space seem larger. This is a good thing if you feel that your property is particularly low.

Color - When you think of the design, the color always follows the same rules. Pull on the color wheel and decide if you like the colors that are complementary, analogous, triadic or monochromatic. For the most dynamic, choose colors that are as far apart as possible.

The design of your garden is completely up to you, but it is useful to know how successful gardeners who constantly create beautiful spaces. If we consider the design of your garden, every plant is important and should have an impact. After all, one of the advantages of a small garden, is that everything can be seen at a glance.

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